Legislative Lobbying
Provide full-time representation at the Colorado General Assembly acting as lead lobbyists on all policy issues related to client’s policy priorities. This includes identifying potentially important legislation, tracking legislation through the process and working with individual legislators to secure support of client’s position on the issues.
Executive Branch Lobbying
Work directly with representatives from the Governor’s and Lt. Governor’s office in order to garner support of client’s position on the issues.
Legislative Briefings
Provide client with up-to-date information on important developments with key legislation and remain available for briefings to appropriate groups and committees.
Legislative Field Relations
Coordinate constituent meetings within legislative districts between client and legislators. Increase visibility of client at the legislative and executive levels with key decision makers.
Draft Legislation
Work directly with sponsors and other stakeholders to appropriate legislative language and amendments as needed.
Committee Hearing Preparation
Assist client to strategize on testimony line-up and assist in preparing testimony and fielding questions.
Position Papers / Fact Sheets
Review and edit client prepared position papers and factsheets that support the client’s legislative goals and communicate the client’s position.